Created by The Change Consortium, and now a charity, The People’s Orchestra (TPO) now encompassed The People’s Show Choirs, The Rusty Player’s Orchestras and The People’s Big Band.
With music and creativity more vital than ever, providing people with solace, relaxation, inspiration, and hope we believe culture is a human right and an important part of ‘a life well-lived’ which should be available to all – and TPO believe that collaborative creative effort makes for a kinder, more inclusive society, enabling the kind of world we all want to live in.
Based in Sandwell in the Black Country – the 12th most deprived local authority in England – our music groups perform with, and for, communities across the Midlands. TPO’s professionally led, inclusive programmes support instrumentalists, vocalists, and non-creatives to fulfil their potential, whether that be reaching for a personal performance goal, enabling self-expression, or developing brand new skills.
The last 3 years have seen considerable development for TPO, despite and sometimes because of, the challenges that the Covid pandemic has created. Their hybrid arts programs remain accessible, encourage diversity whilst providing access to choral and orchestral music for people across the West Midlands specifically, and the UK more widely.